By : Asher Wenrich | July 21, 2021 |

Who from our team would need to participate in the project?

Your project team is just as critical to the success of the project as ours is. We suggest the core implementation team on our clients’ side consist of the following roles: 

  • Project Sponsor – The point-person who is ultimately accountable for the success of the CRM. 
  • Project Manager (Lead Day-to-Day Project Contact) – The point-person who is responsible for the day-to-day direction of the project. They will partner with our team to keep the project on time and on budget. 
  • Subject Matter Experts / Project Champions – One or two department leads that are ultimately responsible for department-specific subject matter expertise and decision-making around business processes.  
  • Software Administrator – Ideally, this is a dedicated part-time or full-time role that has experience and expertise in the selected software. This individual will be expected to contribute to the project both individually as well as alongside our implementation team.