Faye Releases Two SugarCRM Productivity Enhancements – January 31, 2017
FayeBSG is the #1 SugarCRM Partner in the world among 650+ global partners. As a leading partner for SugarCRM, FayeBSG is known for their breadth of Sugar add-on products and custom software solutions, including integrations with ERP software, marketing automation, credit card processing, project management, phone systems, and more.
With the release of the Consolidated Activity Report and the Dashboard Manager for Sugar, FayeBSG continues to be the leading SugarCRM partner in customizations, development and integrations that are focused on enhancing the Sugar user experience.
The FayeBSG Sugar Consolidated Activity Report (CAR) allows Sugar users to view all of their sales and customer communications and details in one location. With the CAR, users now have access to a single report or dashboard detailing all Calls, Meetings and Emails.
Sugar users utilize the CAR to capture insight into their performance on any account. Sales teams and management can use the CAR to get a complete picture of all activities for an account or a particular sales rep.
The key benefits of the Consolidated Activity Report are:
- One report for ALL calls, meetings and emails.
- See a complete snapshot of an account by critical sales activity.
- Report on employee activities with clients and prospect.
- Provide advanced big picture reporting on an account.
- Grant access to imperative data across the entire management team.
Visit http://fayebsg.com/fayebsg-software/sugarcrm-consolidated-activity-report/ to learn more about the FayeBSG Consolidated Activity Report.
The FayeBSG SugarCRM Dashboard Manager gives Sugar users the ability to share their custom dashboards with other users. It also gives admin users the ability to create custom dashboards and deploy those dashboards to individual users, to a group of users in a team, or to a group of users in a specific role.
The key benefits of the SugarCRM Dashboard Manager are:
- Any Sugar user can copy their dashboard to the Dashboard Manager for use by the entire team.
- Create and/or edit Dashboards in the Dashboard Manager.
- Deploy Dashboards to Users or groups of Users by Teams or Roles.
Visit http://fayebsg.com/fayebsg-software/sugarcrm-dashboard-manager/ to learn more about the FayeBSg Sugar Dashboard Manager.
About Faye Business Systems Group
FayeBSG is the #1 SugarCRM Partner in the world among 650+ global partners. As a leading partner for SugarCRM, Sage, QuickBase, NetSuite, and Act-On, FayeBSG has been recognized by the Inc. 5000 and CIO Review as one of 20 most promising CRM and ERP solutions providers for 2015. FayeBSG specializes in a variety of custom software solutions to meet client needs. Services include software development, project management, packaged software implementations, custom software implementations, integration, consulting, training, and support.
Known for their breadth of SugarCRM Integration Add-On Products and custom software solutions, FayeBSG has built Sugar integrations with ERP software, credit card processing, project management, phone systems, and more. Specializing in extensive multi-layered CRM, ERP and marketing integrations, FayeBSG concentrates on a wide array of high value CRM, ERP and marketing automation development and consulting services.
For more information, call (818) 280-4820, email info(at)fayebsg(dot)com, or visit fayebsg.com. Connect with Faye Business Systems Group on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or YouTube.
Press Contacts:
Jesse Heller
Faye Business Systems Group, Inc.
818 280 4827
jesse dot heller @ fayebsg dot com